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Asphalt art projects are being completed in three neighborhoods in Huntington. Do you think ... Asphalt art projects are being completed in three neighborhoods in Huntington. Do you think there should be more public art installations in the area?
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My Hero Academia Art Imagines Izuku's React to THAT Major Death - As you can see below, the artwork comes courtesy of Athena-av Art. The gifted artist took to social media to share a peek at how Izuku might be ...
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Galliano Native Makes Art Into a Career - LAFAYETTE, La. (AP) — Dirk Guidry left his native Galliano in 2005 to pursue an art degree at the University of Louisiana-Lafayette and has since ...
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Art review: New takes on classical art forms in two Portland shows Cove Street Arts focuses on portraiture, while Greenhut Galleries displays John Whalley's trompe l'oeil paintings.
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