

Alerta de Google - art

Actualització instantània 13 d'agost de 2022
Grounded in Clay opened on July 31 at the Museum of Indian Arts and Culture in Santa Fe. It travels next year to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New ...
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RUSSELL – The Deines Cultural Center in Russell has postponed the "Artists At Large" Art Show opening scheduled for today until next Friday, Aug.
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The Whitewater Arts Alliance is hosting an exhibition in October in the Cultural Arts Center, 402 W. Main St., Whitewater.
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The gallery offers a wide range of contemporary art, from Picasso, Dali, Warhol to other impressionistic and pop artists, including distinctive works ...
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The Downtown Food Truck, Music, & Art Festival is being held tomorrow, Saturday, August 13 in Downtown Mountain View, Missouri.
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August 13, 2022 |