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Actualització instantània 17 d'agost de 2022
"I was looking for a diverse approach to sculpture," Ciravolo says of the show. "When I'm planning exhibitions, I am thinking about the public who is ...
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Geometrie da Compagnia by Federica Sala presents Happy Hammock - a kinetic sculpture ode to childhood memories that wither with passing time.
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EATING UP THE COMPETITION. "Shark" by Dale Lewis is one of the new sculptures on this year's Sculpture Tour Eau Claire. It's official: The Sculpture ...
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The sculptures include "New Dawn" created by New Zealand sculptor Johnny Turner on display at Buchanan Alumni House and Penobscot Nation artist Tim ...
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The 2020 sculpture was displayed virtually, though, due to COVID-19. Sculptors Jim Victor and Marie Pelton have already unpacked the butter and their ...
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For Mental Illness Awareness Week, Neurocrine unveiled a new, specially commissioned sculpture—"The Hug" by artist Jorge Rodriguez-Gerada—at Lincoln ...
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outdoor sculpture tour in the nation." With the additional sculptures, there is a total of 87 sculptures on the Eau Claire Sculpture tour. "We ...
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We took a trip to Grounds for Sculpture in Hamilton, New Jersey to see all of the beautiful sculptures and art it has to offer.
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The Great New York State Fair is just eight days away and the American Dairy Association North East Butter Sculpture is making a return for its ...
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Visit Eau Claire set a goal and they announced Tuesday that they achieved it. Sculpture Tour Eau Claire is now the largest sculpture tour in the ...
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August 17, 2022 |